Quarterly Awards

Nifco America will recognize an individual or group with quarterly awards for exemplifying Nifco's corporate philosophy. Individuals or groups will be considered for the award when they are proactive in the innovation of new ideas and technologies while challenging and cultivating new methods for inventive corporate growth.


The quarterly awards contain 4 categories.

  • Agility and Innovative
    • This award was created to recognize an individual or team that completed something extraordinary that benefits Nifco in a positive way, allowing us to be more efficient, agile, and/or innovative, giving us that edge in the industry to beat our competition.
    • Generally, we want to recognize people who come up with an idea and put that idea into action. This could be within your normal job duties, but some of the best ideas that get recognized generally come from someone identifying an everyday problem that may not be connected to their everyday job duties, coming up with an innovative solution, presenting that solution, being involved in the solution, and solving the problem they identified in a timely manner.
  • Leadership
    • This award was created to recognize leadership of a specific individual who demonstrates effort above and beyond expectations within their normal job role or when leading a team that creates a positive output for Nifco America.
  • Engineering
    • This award was created to recognize people working within our technical staff demonstrating an exceptional effort within their normal job duties or completing an exceptional goal/project that they were the champion of.
  • Kaizen
    • The team should work continuously through the PDCA process, improving a problem affecting our operations or overall business. The improvements should show a level of continuous improvement and stability to receive the award over some time.



Nifco Corporate Philosophy

Agility and Innovation award
Award for:
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