Nifco patent pending snap fit clip for the automotive industry

Low Profile Snap Fit Clip



Snap Fit Clips have always been a top product for Nifco America. Our global design team has improved the standard garnish snap fit clip and upgraded the function, increasing quality while lowering cost and weight.  Request samples today. 

Traditional metal snap fit clips used to install an ev frunk

Garnish Trim Mating Post

Snap Fit clips are a classic fastener used in the automotive industry, often attaching garnish trims on the dashboard, doors, and frunk. Metal fasteners can quickly get costly due to manufacturing fabrication. Metal clip designs cause a specific process in packaging which can lag down the assembly time. Due to the nature of this style of clips, it is known to have shorter longevity, less flexibility, and with heavy mass added to the material. 

Nifco Design. Battery Vent Valve, Battery Venting Valve, Emergency Vent Valve, Ventilation Valve, Pressure Compensation Valve, Battery Pack Vent, Pressure, thermal runaway, passenger safety, fire, hazardous gas, watertight, sealing, resealable, high-flow.

Snap Fit clips are a classic fastener used in the automotive industry. These small packaging space-style fasteners often attach garnish trims on the dashboard and doors. This creates a high-end, luxury feel to all OEMs. The mating post and the fastener must complement one another to prevent noise, vibration, and harshness, commonly known as NVH. Nifco's design of the mating post has been engineered for easy manufacturing without the loss of stability. Our patent-pending design allows for a 40N installation with an 80N serviceable removal. 

Nifco America small packaging space snap fit clip mating panel
Nifco 3d rendering of plastic snap fit clip made in the usa

Contact us to improve your assembly by designing a clip of your project!

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