Whistle Blower System

Nifco Group Whistle Blower System for Business Partners

The Nifco Group has established an internal whistle-blowing system to ensure the effectiveness of the “Whistleblower Protection Act” in Japan. We have established contacts (internal and external) for reporting by business partners. In the operation of this system, we are committed to protecting the privacy of those who report or consult with us, and to preventing unfavorable treatment resulting from such reports. Please refer to the following link. https://www.nifco.com/common/pdf/whistle-blowing-en.pdf

Nifco North America Whistle Blower System for Team Members

Nifco North America has established a system for Team Members to report concerns and share suggestions via In Touch. Use this system to confidentially report violations of the Code of Conduct and Ethics, Improper Accounting or Auditing, Bribery, Conflict of Interest, Illegal Activities, Theft or Fraud, Discrimination, Harassment, Workplace Violence, Safety, Health or Environmental Issues, Questions, Ideas, Suggestions. Below is the reporting procedure.

1. Dial Toll Free 1-844-321-5317 24Hours/7Days a Week.

2. Write down the case number you are given.

3. A written summary of your call will be sent to the appropriate Nifco representative.

4. Your call can be anonymous, or you can leave your name and number if you prefer to be contacted directly by the Nifco representative.

5. To receive a response from a Nifco representative, call back after five business days and provide your case number.

Other Methods to contact In Touch.

1. Email: TellNifco@GetinTouch.com

2. Web: www.intouchwebsite.com/NifcoAmerica

Unless you indicate otherwise, your name and email address will be removed from the message before it is sent to a Nifco Rep.

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